Managing Your Most Important Commodity: Time

By Theresa Jones

We've all heard people say "There just isn't enough time in the day to accomplish everything I want to do!" As a matter of fact you've probably said it a time or two yourself (you wouldn't be reading this if you hadn't!). I know I have said it. Through many years of single parenting, I've learned that the above just isn't true! I'm here to tell you that there is enough time in the day to accomplish everything you want to do, if you are realistic about your time.

Where is this time you ask. Well, honestly, I don't know where your time is, but I do know where my time is. I know down to the minute how much time it takes to do certain tasks. How do I know? Well, I time all of the important tasks I do everyday. What tasks, you ask. Tasks such as: Getting ready for work, driving to work, getting the children ready for school, cleaning the house, washing the dishes, etc. Take a typical day in your life, time everything you do, and write down exactly how much time it takes you to do everything that you have to do.

Now you have a realistic idea of how much time it actually takes you to do certain tasks. The next step is to set some goals. Goals are wonderful things. When you reach your goals, you have a wonderful sense of accomplishment. Just remember to be realistic. Goal setting is not a time for fanciful dreams.

You will want to set monthly goals first. These are the big projects that you want to accomplish this month. Cleaning and organizing your basement, for example. Next you will want to set weekly goals. Organizing certain sections or areas of the basement each week. Lastly, you will set daily goals pertaining to the basement. I will go through "x" number of boxes today in the northeast corner of the basement, or I will spend x hours, minutes, etc. organizing the southeast corner. Don't forget, BE REALISTIC!

I implement a to-do list. It's nothing fancy, just a piece of notebook paper listing everything I want to accomplish for the day (don't forget to list your obligations for that day, such as Dr. appointments, work etc.). As you go about your day, check or cross out all of the tasks that you accomplish for that day. I like to make it into a challenge for myself. I will list a certain amount of time allowed for each task, and then work against the clock. It gives me satisfaction to know I did something faster than I expected to. Do whatever works for you.

The most important part of time management, is your own self-discipline. You must stay focused on the task! Don't get distracted! I know you will find all kinds of interesting things you forgot all about, in that dirty, dusty, cluttered basement. Your old yearbooks have been down there all this time, and they can wait until you finish your tasks. Set them aside to go through and enjoy after you have reached your daily goals. Choose a task and stayed focused on that task until it is complete or until your allotted time has run out.

Last but not least, remember to reward yourself. If you accomplished everything you set out to do today, do something nice for yourself. It doesn't have to be big you could just spend time watching your favorite program on television, read your favorite book, go to a nice restaurant, or look at those old yearbooks you found, whatever makes you happy:-) Also, remember to reward yourself in a big way when you reach your monthly goals! See I told you there was enough time in the day to accomplish everything you want to do.

Tuesday, November 23, 1999


Theresa Jones is a working mom of six children. She is also the webmaster of Working Moms Resource a web site dedicated to helping all working moms juggle home, family, career, finances, and their sanity. Online